• Florin Bobircă “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr I. Cantacuzino”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Lidia Belega-Mursoi General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr I. Cantacuzino”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dan Dumitrescu “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr I. Cantacuzino”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Anca Bobircă “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr. I. Cantacuzino”
  • Ioan Ancuța “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr. I. Cantacuzino”
  • Traian Pătrașcu “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Hospital “Dr I. Cantacuzino”, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: surgery, histiocytes, Langerhans, treatment, splenectomy


Langerhans cell histiocytosis (HCL) is a pathological condition defined by the excess production of histiocytes, a type of dendritic cells involved in the immune response, which is sometimes associated with hematological diseases such as leukemias. In terms of incidence, this condition does not occur by the routine in medical practice, most cases being discovered accidentally. The presented case describes a 47-year-old woman with isolated splenic HCL who manifested clinically repeated pain in the left hypochondrium. The computer tomography described nodular lesions with multiple localization in the spleen. The histopathological and immunohistochemical results, however, provided the diagnosis of certainty , this being isolated splenic HCL. The surgical intervention performed was splenectomy, with favorable early and late postoperative evolution. The patient does not show clinical and paraclinical changes during the periodical controls during the 7 years since the surgical intervention. The early diagnosis and the surgical intervention represent complete solution of these types of cases.


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How to Cite
Bobircă, F., Belega-Mursoi, L., Dumitrescu, D., Bobircă, A., Ancuța, I., & Pătrașcu, T. (2022). SPLENECTOMY FOR SPLENIC HISTIOCYTOSIS - CASE PRESENTATION AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Romanian Journal of Clinical Research, 5(2). Retrieved from https://rjcronline.com/index.php/rjcr/article/view/161