• Florica Sandru Elias Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest, UMF ” Carol Davila” Bucharest
  • Mihai Cristian Dumitrascu Emergency University Hospital Bucharest, UMF ”Carol Davila” Bucharest
  • Adelina Popa Elias Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest
  • Carmen Cristina Draghici Elias Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest
  • Ana Maria Alexandra Stanescu UMF ”Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Raluca Gabriela Miulescu Elias Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest
Keywords: follicular mucinosis, primary follicular mucinosis, mycosis fungoides, follicular mucinosis associated disorders, alopecia mucinosa, follicular mucinosis treatment


We present the case of a young patient, without comorbidities, who developed an erythematous-squamous, disseminated, discrete itchy rash, associated with scarring alopecia at the level of the scalp and the external third of the eyebrows, in 3-year evolution, in which two skin biopsies showed: subacute spongiotic dermatitis and psoriasiform dermatitis. As new lesions continued to appear despite treatment with phototherapy, systemic, local corticosteroids, it was decided to perform another skin biopsy: loose areas, granular appearance that color blue with Alcian Blue staining, thus supporting the diagnosis of follicular mucinosis. The treatment consisted of Acitretin 30 mg / day, with favorable evolution. Follicular mucinosis is a rare inflammatory disease, characterized by mucin deposits located in the follicular epithelium and sebaceous glands. There are two clinical forms: a primary, benign, limited to the skin, and a secondary form, commonly associated with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. The evolution of both forms of follicular mucinosis is a chronic one, and the correct therapeutic attitude consists primarily in the periodic surveillance of the patient, with possible repeat biopsy, to exclude the form associated with a mycosis fungoides. The management of such patients is extremely difficult, as a number of conditions must be evaluated, such as: screening for collagenosis, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, evaluation of thyroid function, tumor markers.


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How to Cite
Sandru, F., Dumitrascu, M. C., Popa, A., Draghici, C. C., Stanescu, A. M. A., & Miulescu, R. G. (2019). FOLLICULAR MUCINOSIS IN A PATIENT WITH PARAPSORIASIS. Romanian Journal of Clinical Research, 2(2).