• C. V. Toma “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & “Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • C. S. Sima “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania & “Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • D. G. Radavoi “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania &“Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • T. Constantin “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania &“Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • D. Bădescu “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania &“Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • V. Jinga “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania &“Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: digital rectal examination;, medical simulation, medical students, suprapubic catheter, urinary catheter, urological basic skills


Increasing number of geriatric patients, the continuous raise of urological patients and the increasing demand of practical skills among young physicians require better preparation of medical students in terms of dexterity in urology. An increasing number of iatrogenic trauma due to urinary catheters placed by inexperienced medical professionals, the high numbers of urological misdiagnosis and the high cost of these aspects can be decreased by developing students' practical urological abilities. This can be achieved by introducing mandatory hands-on activities during urology modules in the students' curricula. A number of 118 fifth year medical students were trained during the 3-week urology rotation between 1st October 2018 to the 10th of December 2018. During the rotations each group of 6 to 10 students participated in a one-day medical simulation workshop where they have learned about digital rectal examination, urinary catheterization and cystostomas (suprapubic catheters). In addition, from a traditional class, besides the video presentations and the discussions with the instructor, students had to do all of the described procedures on medical simulators. All students who completed the before and after self-evaluation forms showed significant improvement in the understanding of the described procedures. Medical simulation applied during rotations to teach students basic urological skills is an efficient teaching tool. Simulators bring participants into similar to reality playing ground which makes them more responsible, more attentive and more enthusiastic when it comes to learning basic urological skills.


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How to Cite
Toma, C., Sima, C., Radavoi, D., Constantin, T., Bădescu, D., & Jinga, V. (2020). TRAINING BASIC UROLOGIC SKILLS DURING STUDENTS’ ROTATIONS IN ROMANIAN UROLOGY CLINIC. Romanian Journal of Clinical Research, 3(2), 50-54.