• Laura Nicoleta Crăciun “Nicolae Malaxa“ Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
  • Florin Isopescu “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Antoine Edu
  • Mihaela Bujor
  • Stelian Conci
  • Radu Mateescu
  • Bogdan Gabriel Spânu
  • Mihai Dumitrașcu
  • Francesca Frîncu
  • Claudia Mehedințu
Keywords: pelvectomy, pelvic exenteration, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, vaginal cancer, pelvic reconstructive surgery


Pelvic exenteration is a radical surgical procedure, with curative potential, which is mainly carried out in cases with cancer of the bladder or the reproductive organs. Pelvectomy was initially carried out as a palliative surgical procedure but recently the aim of performing pelvic exenteration has shifted towards a curative role. Pelvectomy is a mutilating procedure and it is no longer acceptable to perform pelvic exenteration for the purpose of palliative care. Based on the fact that pelvectomy is a mutilating and extremely difficult surgical procedure the purpose of the present work is to assist in performing a rigurous selection of the patients undergoing pelvic exenteration. This work covers the indications and contraindications of performing pelvectomy and the surgical steps will be summarized in order to better understand both it’s  benefits and drawbacks.


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How to Cite
Crăciun, L., Isopescu, F., Edu, A., Bujor, M., Conci, S., Mateescu, R., Spânu, B., Dumitrașcu, M., Frîncu, F., & Mehedințu, C. (2022). THE ROLE OF PELVIC EXENTERATION IN TREATING GYNECOLOGIC MALIGNANCIES. Romanian Journal of Clinical Research, 4(2).